The 1# Accessibility Plugin For WordPress

Join 100,000+ users that choose One Click Accessibility to make their websites accessible for people with disabilities.

Core Features

Make your website more accessible using our wide range of accessibility features

Skip to Content

Allow your keyboard-only users to easily skip from link to link

Focusable Elements

Use Tab to focus on the various elements on the page

Remove Target Attribute

Make sure links open in the current tab & don't interrupt flow

ARIA Landmarks

Use ARIA landmarks to identify regions of the page

Customize Your Toolbar

Prioritize the accessibility features that are most important to you

SVG Icons

Ensure sure your SVG icons are accessible and scalable

Sitewide Accessibility

Turn on accessibility on your entire site

Remember Your Choice

Save your accessibility preferences automatically

Resize font

Use our smart resizing tool to make your text readable on any device

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Readable Font

With one click you can ensure your text will always be visible on any screen or device


Ensure sufficient contrast on your website by reducing colors to grayscale

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Negative Contrast

Provide high contrast for lighter shaded text by using a dark background and inverted colors

Link Underline

Highlight any link with an anchor text to ensure better user experience 

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Light Background

Help people with low vision see your website content better with dark text on light background

Get One Click Accessibility

Compatible With Any WordPress Theme or Page Builder

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